2025 Season!
Hello returning Dolphin Families!
We know every day you wake up saying "Man, I miss Jessica and Evelyn emailing us about swim team volunteering" but I have great news. Today is that day! As we prepare for the upcoming season we have a few critical roles to fill.
First, this will be Toni’s last summer as our Lead Parent Rep, she is going back to work and we need two other parents to step up to learn from her and take over. Ideally we will have 3 parents in this position, one as the Mentor position (Toni next summer), one as the Lead (Toni this summer), and one who is learning the ropes, to all share the position as we move into the future. This is a big job that oversees everything on the team, and it is too much work for one person as it used to be done by three.
New positions this summer:
Webmaster- We are looking for a volunteer to take over our Swimtopia website. This is a critical job that will be outside of meets and done from home.
Meet Setup & Clean up Managers (2 people) - Manage setup the night before a meet, arrive first the morning of a meet to open the pool, set up the parking pylons, direct volunteers, etc. For Cleanup, stay after the meet and make sure everything is put back where it belongs. This is something that Toni has been doing and it’s, again, too much to be the first and last person at every meet so we are looking for a team to take this over and divide the work as you see fit.
Banquet Coordinator/Committee - Help coordinate and plan the banquet, work with the social director, volunteer coordinators, coach and photographer, etc.
Advertising -Help with flyers, signage at the beginning of the season, etc.
Co-Photographer/Slide Show - We have the WONDERFUL Laura Coupas but she is a very busy parent and we need a backup if she isn’t available as well as someone to help with the slide show at the end of the season. The slide show can be its own person if this is something you love doing.
File Writer -Sit with the Meet Manager and help during meets.
We are also open to any suggestions anyone has. New ideas are always welcome. Any of these positions can be done with a friend. Please reach out to Toni, Jessica or Evelyn with any questions or for more info. We are also assessing the points system for volunteers if you have any feedback.
Jessica & Evelyn
Volunteer Coordinators