
    Meet Program & Info for CHAMPIONSHIPS

    This is it!   The final meet!  Below you will find the information from Hills West with comments of my own mixed in. There is a LOT of information – much of which you’ve seen before – but please read all the way through!  

    Scratches: If anything changes and your swimmer can’t swim tomorrow, please let Coach Emilie know ASAP so that she can tell the Scoring people and re-do relays if needed. [email protected] or (970) 376-5362.

    HEAT WARNING: I’m sure you are all aware but it is supposed to be around 100 degrees tomorrow! PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR SWIMMER(S) TAKES OFF THEIR SWIM CAPS BETWEEN EVENTS!!! Leaving swim caps on is a quick and easy way for them to overheat without even realizing it. We don’t want any kiddos (or parents!) with heat stroke!  Bring LOTS of water, Gatorade, sunscreen, whatever shade you have, misters, etc. It is going to be a VERY LONG, HOT day.

    Missing bathing suit: A teammate is missing a girl’s, size 28 (they think), team swimsuit. If you find that you picked one up by accident, please bring it with you tomorrow (if you’re going) or let me know and we can figure out how to get it back to the owner. Thank you!


    Hills West Pool: 10458 E. Crestline Pl., Englewood, CO 80111

    The pool is located just inside the Hills at Cherry Creek West neighborhood, off of Havana St. You may enter the neighborhood from Havana St. or Belleview Ave.

    Parking: There is very limited space available in our small parking lot – we will have one (1) reserved parking space each team – each team may decide who from their team parks in their reserved spot. There is no parking on either side of the curved median directly in front of the pool entrance to Havana St., as this is the entrance to the neighborhood and these homes will have cars ticketed. Cones will be placed in this area as a reminder for cars not to park there. You may park along the streets throughout the Hills West neighborhood. Please do not block driveways. You CAN park along Havana Street in front of the pool as it is a weekend.

    Warm Up Schedule:

    6:45 – 7:05am   Dam West (1-4)      Hills West (5-8)

    7:05 – 7:25am    Holly Park (1-4)       Foxridge – (5-8)

    7:25 – 7:45am    Castle Pines (1-4)   Canterberry Crocs (5-8)

    7:45-7:55am       All Teams One-Way Starts

    • Hills West       Lane 2
    • Castle Pines   Lane 3
    • Holly Park       Lane 4
    • Foxridge         Lane 5
    • Canterberry    Lane 6
    • Dam West      Lane 7

    Meet Start: 8:00am

    Arrival: I, personally, will be aiming for 6:15am to get good parking and get set-up. You can go through the clubhouse or to the left of the clubhouse and follow the walkway around past the pool to the green area behind. If you go around, please go to the front and check-in with the Check-In Volunteers once you’re set-up. Look for teammates! If we get there early enough, we can try and grab the area under the trees!

    Officials: Timers and Officials Meetings will be held at approximately 7:30am at the

    Starting Table on the Southeast Corner of the Pool (next to the green slide).

    Volunteers: Please have all volunteers check in for both shifts no later than 7:30 am. One volunteer table will be set up inside of the front entry to the pool - teams will need to share the table. There will be lanyards with volunteer shifts printed for each team bundled for a team representative to hand out. Each team will need to be responsible for ensuring their volunteers are accounted for.

    Awards Table: The awards table will be set up inside the front entrance to the pool. Each team will have a paper bag/bin that medals and ribbons will be placed throughout the meet. Please have awards volunteers report to this table for their shifts.

    Concessions: Breakfast burritos and other breakfast items, fruit, hot dogs and hamburgers will be available for purchase, as well as water, coffee, soda, assorted beverages, and a large variety of other meal items and snacks. We accept cash and Venmo.

    We will provide 4 coaches meals tickets for each team as well as a bucket of waters and snacks.

    Championship T-Shirt Sales: Out of Breath Sports will have a table located by concessions to sell Championship t-shirts: Cost $20.

    Set Up:

    There will not be assigned team seating areas - all swimmers and families can set up in the park right outside of the pool fence, to the South of the starting blocks.

    Each team will have an assigned coaches area set up along the side of the pool, we will have chairs set up for coaches but ask that each team bring their own shade canopy.

    We ask there be no deck seating and to keep the pool deck for standing spectators only.

    We are using the Dolphin Timing System. We will have 3 Dolphin timers and one stopwatch for each lane.

    Meet Programs: Meet programs will not be for sale, but will be posted at the pool. Families should print out the meet program if they would like a hard copy. We will provide meet programs to: Coaches (5 per team); Stroke & Turn Judges, Heating, Clerk of Course, Each Lane, Order of Finish, DQ Scribes, Meet Ref, Starter, and Announcer.

    NOTE: The Meet Program is showing times in YARDS, not meters. This includes the All-Star times. The results will show as Meters so it will be challenging to compare seed times to result times. Also, if you are wondering what the Meters All-Star time is, please click HERE.

    Relays: Yes, there ARE relays at Championships and they are worth a LOT of points so PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE EARLY!!!  (Unless you have cleared it with Coach Emilie.)  If we have any last minute scratches she may need to use available swimmers to fill in!  She can even use swimmers that did not swim any individual events so make sure everyone brings their swimsuit, just in case.

    Scoring Points: In case you’re wondering, HERE is a document that shows how the scoring works at both a dual meet and at Championships. You can see that EVERY place earns points for the team at Championships and relays are very important!

    Results: The results are usually posted either on the baby pool railing, the brick pillar near concessions or on the brick wall to the right of the entrance.

    End Time: It looks like the meet is scheduled to end around 1:56 pm. It may go slightly faster but please don’t count in it. Settle in and prepare to be there until that time. Bring money for concessions and/or pack a lunch, snacks and LOTS of water!

    If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact the following people:

    Toni Samudio: Parent Rep[email protected] or 303-579-8667

    Jessica Johnson or Evelyn Carino: Volunteer Coordinators[email protected]

    Emilie Clarke: Head Coach [email protected] or 970-376-5362

    Alright, I think that’s it for now. Please let me know if you have any questions. Otherwise, we’ll see you bright & early one last time!



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