First Home Meet!
First Home Meet
First, Congratulations on surviving your first home meet! It’s a different beast when you’re running things. We want to thank the very long list of amazing parents who stepped up and worked double shifts today! It was super hot and there were definitely bumps in the road but you all stepped in for others who were sick or needed to move around, and we appreciate you so much! If you loved or hated what you did and have questions about what might be a better fit, as always tell us, we will help you find something you’ll like to do more. (Not you Rhonda! ;) )
If you have any other feedback or suggestions about ways you think we can help you more, or prepare you, or give you more information please ask us. This meet went really well and we appreciate all the parents who helped make that happen! Hopefully you’re showered and cooled off and we will be in touch next week about the meet at Fox Ridge on 6/22 in a couple days.
Evelyn & Jessica
Volunteer Coordinators