Meet Volunteers
Happy Friday everyone!
Hope everyone is excited for our first home meet! Thank you to everyone who has already signed up to volunteer, that being said we are still in need of 2 volunteers.
We are in need of the following:
Shift 2, Order of finish
This person stands or sits at the end of the pool and visually determines the order of event finishes as a back up to the timers. Writes results on a pre-formatted sheet that will be provided
Shift 2, Scoring Table
This person sits in the officials area (usually in the shade!) They will visually confirm that swimmers are in the appropriate lanes for each heat and work with the File-Writer to confirm scratches and lane changes. At a home meet they are responsible for flipping the Event Number to indicate which event is currently in progress. They will run various errands such as posting results, collecting time sheets, taking DQ slips to appropriate team coaches and running information to and from the Scoring Table, the Starter, Heating Area and Meet Referee. They may also help with score verification by looking over the results and processing the DQ slips.)
If you're available we would love your help. If you have any questions or need anything else let us know.
Thank you,
Evelyn & Jessica,
Volunteer Coordinators.